Presentation Instructions

Lecture Presenters

Deadline: August 29, 2024

Authors will receive an email with their personal upload link by August 12, 2024, to submit their slides. Through this link, authors will be able to upload their slides in .pdf format as well as select the presenter who will be presenting at DASC 2024. These will also be posted on the conference's web app (CONFlux) this year. In order to ensure your slides will be uploaded onto the presentation laptop and appear on CONFlux, please submit your slides no later than August 29, 2024.

If you'd like to use a DASC-branded PowerPoint, you may use this template, however it is not required.

Please plan your slides for around 20-minute presentations with remainder of 30-minute time slot for Q&A.

Your PDF slides will be uploaded onto the presentation laptop for your session. This is the preferred format. However, if you would like them in a different format (i.e PowerPoint), please bring the updated copy with you on a USB stick to your session. 

If you need to update your slides after the deadline (Aug. 29), please bring the updated version on a USB stick with you to your session. If you would like the updated slides substituted in for your original submission on the CONFlux platform for attendees to view, please also email Claire Folkerts ( 

Please note: We cannot guarantee the slides will be updated on CONFlux before your session due to processing times.

Poster Presenters

Deadline: August 29, 2024

Authors will receive a personal link by August 12, 2024 to upload a PDF version of their poster. Through this link, authors will be able to upload their poster in .pdf format as well as select the presenter who will be presenting at DASC 2024. These will also be posted on the conference's web app (CONFlux) this year. 

Authors are also expected to print off their posters (in size A0 horizontally: 33.1 inches long x 46.8 inches wide) and bring them to the conference themselves during the poster presentation time on Tuesday, Oct 1st, 2024, 17:30-18:30 PST. There will be poster boards and push pins available to hang your poster. There is no required template. In order to ensure your poster will be uploaded onto CONFlux, please submit your PDF poster no later than August 29, 2024.

**All authors are expected to present live onsite during their presentation timeslot. Please contact Claire Folkerts ( with any questions or concerns.