Student UAS Competition


Date / Time: Tuesday, October 1 2024 starting at 10am
Location: Bel Aire Ballroom
Objective: DASC Conference Objective: STEM High Schools to fly an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) through a challenging course
Prizes: High Schools: Top 3 Awards and a Drone for their STEM Program
Audiences: Conference attendees and high school students will be invited to attend the contest


For the past years, the DASC has held an International Drone Competition. The mission behind the competition is to motivate students in academic institution specifically in STEM programs in the fields of engineering for their future.

The competition is an opportunity for High School students to engage with industry engineering leaders in various disciplines that are attending the conference and observing the competition. The conference consists of several industries from aeronautics, astronautics, electrical and electronics engineering.

Rules and Regulations

San Diego/Southern California STEM High Schools

  1. STEM High schools will compete flying an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS)/Drone through an indoor obstacle course. The competition consists of being able to fly through several obstacles that are challenging. The idea behind this competition is to allow High School STEM programs compete against local schools. A in depth presentation to STEM leads of each team/school will be provided so they understand all the details of the competition. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is a professional engineering organization that will be providing drones to every High School that signs up to compete.
  2. In order to complete the course, each team will fly through the LED lit gates as illustrated in the TRACK section below. The gates are roughly less than 4×4 feet and connected as pairs. The timer starts once the drone has taken off from the start location and the timer stops once the drone has landed on the finish zone. Disqualification occurs when the drone misses entry through a required gate.
  3. A standardized scoring rubric will be used by each of the 5 judges to ensure fairness. At designated times, (e.g., every 10 or 15 minutes), each student team will fly their UAS among different scenarios and use the real-time video feeds to complete their tasks. Each team will be allowed keep their best run out of all the runs they perform during their allotted time. Switching of batteries will be permitted but the same drone must be used throughout the team’s performance.
  4. Key metrics on the High School competition are team effort, every student in a team is required to fly the drone when it is his/her turn. Time will be kept when the drone lifts and it will not stop until you complete the course. Performance of each time is flown will be kept.
